You love, are unique… When that camera is on you, the rest of us might as well not be here at all.
Richard Burton to Grayson Hall, Look magazine, 1964

Click on the titles to read about and purchase the products below.
Night of the Iguana
Grayson’s 1964 Academy Award nominated role as Judith Fellows.
That Darn Cat
The Disney classic with Grayson as kidnapped bankteller Margaret Miller.
Satan in High Heels
Low budget sexploitation flick from the early 1960s. Grayson is Pepe, amused nightclub owner.
Qui Etes-Vous Polly Maggoo?
William Klein’s satire of the fashion industry. Grayson portrays fashion dragon-lady Miss Maxwell. (Go to website and type “Klein”)
The Parisienne and the Prudes (or The Bashful Bikini)
A never fully released film mistaken for a nudie cutie. Grayson portrays the imperious “Decorator.”
Adam at 6 AM
Grayson is Inez, the Missouri cousin of a very young Michael Douglas.
Dark Shadows
Grayson as Dr. Julia Hoffman, Countess Natalie DuPres, Magda the gypsy and a few other colorful characters on the cult favorite from the 1960s.
Special Appearances
Night Gallery, Season 1; episode 7.
Grayson portrays Ann Brigham, one of three siblings haunted by the shadowy figure of their dead sister (Agnes Moorehead).
The Man from U.N.C.L.E, Season 3, episode 23, The Pieces of Fate Affair (the lost episode).
Grayson lounges in a pink peignoir while plotting with THRUSH. The “classic” lost UNCLE episode that was withheld from distribution for many years due to litigation over Grayson’s character Jody Moore (or was that Judith Merle?)
Kojak, Season 2; episode 3, Hush Now, Don’t You Die.
Grayson is the controlling mother of a serial rapist.